Home Tech Review of Neakasa M1 Self-Cleaning Litter Box: Hands-Free Cleaning without Scooping

Review of Neakasa M1 Self-Cleaning Litter Box: Hands-Free Cleaning without Scooping

Review of Neakasa M1 Self-Cleaning Litter Box: Hands-Free Cleaning without Scooping


The key feature of an automatic litter box is its ability to separate clumps and trap odors until you’re ready to empty it. Although all the ones I tested performed this task well, the intense odor hits you when you open the waste drawer. Neakasa has a unique drawer design that helps with this issue if you use drawstring bags. You can secure the bag by pulling the drawstring through a hook near the front of the drawer, reducing odor significantly. However, the shrill beep that the machine emits when opened is quite annoying.

While the bag system is innovative, it does have a drawback. Monitoring your cat’s bathroom habits is essential, and seeing the waste can provide valuable information. Jackson Galaxy, known as the Cat Daddy, cautions against automatic litter boxes for this reason. A few seconds of odor may be worth it if it helps you detect signs of illness in your cat.

Many automatic litter boxes now come with app connectivity, allowing you to track your cat’s litter habits. This feature is crucial for monitoring their health, especially since cats are prone to bladder issues. Neakasa’s app, although easy to use, has some glitches. It sometimes fails to recognize which cat used the litter box and may display weight inaccuracies.

Despite investing in an expensive automatic litter box, it’s recommended to have a basic litter box as well until you are sure your cat will use the high-tech one.Monitoring your cat’s litter habits is crucial for their health and well-being, and automatic litter boxes with app connectivity can help in this regard. However, it is important to be aware of the limitations and potential issues associated with these devices.

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Medea Giordano turned her shopping problem into a career as a product writer. She covers a little bit of everything but loves health, beauty, and pet tech. Previously, she was an assistant editor at Wirecutter and an assistant in the newsroom of The New York Times. She studied journalism at Hofstra University and currently lives in the greater New York City area.
review-of-neakasa-m1-self-cleaning-litter-box-hands-free-cleaning-without-scooping<b>Pros:</b> Fun new open-top design. Unique drawer to eliminate orders. Slightly cheaper than other automatic litter boxes. <br><br> <b>Cons:</b> App needs work. Doesn't always recognize cats. The drawer could actually make you miss important health notes.

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