Home Politics Senator John Kennedy criticizes Michael Cohen, calling him a “grifter-type”

Senator John Kennedy criticizes Michael Cohen, calling him a “grifter-type”



Sen. John Kennedy joins ‘Fox & Friends’ to discuss the media’s response to Michael Cohen’s testimony and Biden’s efforts to appeal to his base.


  1. They tried to overthrow Trump while president. They tried to impeach him to keep him out of office. They've tried to stop him from running for office, they've tried removing him from the ballot, They continue to sue him for his money, charge him with crimes, anything goes to stop Trump from being in office. I believe conspiracy charges are in order!

  2. When Fake CNN attempts to recreate the farce that is the Cohen testimony, I suspect they know they have a big nothing burger. Just when you think CNN can’t do worse, they prove us wrong. Do better CNN

  3. LOL Cohen is telling the truth. Trump said we don't have to pay if he can get past the election……It's why he cannot get good lawyers. He shafts his people How many have been to jail so far???

  4. What is unfathomable about all of this is you actually think you can LIE all the way to the Nov. election. Every narrative you have (other than we don't like Joe) is FAKE. You lie about the economy, you lie about policies, you lie about historical facts. You have no platform or policies. You're going to lose.

  5. It's all politically motivated . They are desperate to get TRUMP at any cost and we the Tax payers are paying for it. All the while the Real criminals are being set Free .

  6. How is a guy begging for one-cent donations on Tik Tok for hours each night (“thx for the roses”) have continual Limo service ?
    Maybe someone should subpoena Bragg’s accounting books?

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