Home U.S. ‘My father is a hero.’

‘My father is a hero.’

‘My father is a hero.’


Law enforcement officers from all over North Carolina drove from Charlotte to Newton to honor their fallen colleague, Officer William “Alden” Elliott. The young son of Officer Elliott wrote a heartwrenching tribute to his father, calling him a hero who sacrificed his life to protect others. People lined the procession route along Highway 16 in Gaston, Lincoln, and Catawba Counties to show their support and pay their respects.

Officer Elliott was a 14-year veteran with the North Carolina Department of Adult Corrections and part of the US Marshals Task Force. Tragically, he was one of four officers attacked and killed while serving a warrant on a felon. The community came together to honor his memory and the sacrifices made by law enforcement officers every day.

Melvin Morrison played ‘Taps’ along the procession route to remember the fallen officers, showing respect and gratitude for their service. Giant American flags flew over Highway 16 as police cars lined the route to guide Officer Elliott home. The community gathered to support the Elliott family and pay tribute to a man who was not only a hero in his job, but also a loving father and son.

The son of Officer Elliott penned a touching obituary, describing his father as the best man he will ever know. A memorial service with military honors will be held to celebrate Elliott’s life and legacy, highlighting his dedication to serving his community and his country.

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