Home Entertainment Disney’s Far-Left Lost $628 Million on Four Woke Box-Office Failures

Disney’s Far-Left Lost $628 Million on Four Woke Box-Office Failures

Disney’s Far-Left Lost 8 Million on Four Woke Box-Office Failures


The Disney Grooming Syndicate suffered major losses last year with four out of the five biggest flops, totaling $628 million. The numbers were crunched by Deadline, revealing the financial impact of these box office bombs. Disney productions like “The Marvels,” “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny,” “Wish,” and “Haunted Mansion” all experienced significant net losses, with “The Marvels” alone costing nearly a quarter of a billion dollars.

Despite Deadline’s attempts to justify some of these losses, the underlying issue seems to be the disconnect between Disney’s woke agenda and audience preferences. The push for diversity and inclusion in their films has alienated many viewers, leading to a decline in box office performance.

The lack of interest in films like “The Marvels” and “Dial of Destiny” can be attributed to the perceived feminist messages and forced diversity casting. The shift towards propaganda-driven storytelling has taken away from the magic and appeal of Disney’s earlier works, resulting in disappointing results at the box office.

Overall, Disney’s insistence on pushing woke ideologies and abandoning their core values of innocence and fun has led to a decline in audience interest and financial losses. It seems that the Disney magic is fading, as audiences are turning away from their latest offerings.

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