Home U.S. Man from Washington Receives Sentence for Burying Wife Alive, Declares He Was...

Man from Washington Receives Sentence for Burying Wife Alive, Declares He Was ‘Overmedicated’

Man from Washington Receives Sentence for Burying Wife Alive, Declares He Was ‘Overmedicated’


In Lacey, Washington, a man was sentenced to 13 years for burying his wife alive, claiming he suffered from mental illness and was not properly treated for PTSD. The incident occurred when Chae Kyong An beat, stabbed, and tied up his wife before putting her in a shallow grave. The couple had been arguing and going through a separation when the attack happened. The victim managed to escape after being buried for 12 hours and called 911. An pled guilty in court, attributing his actions to PTSD from his military service. He was sentenced to prison for over 13 years. The judge commended the victim for her strength and bravery, hoping the hearing would bring closure and aid in her emotional and mental healing.

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