Home Videos China’s influence in the western hemisphere is cause for concern, says Republican...

China’s influence in the western hemisphere is cause for concern, says Republican lawmaker



Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., weighs in on China’s expanding influence in the western hemisphere and the “Americas Act.”


  1. 😂 China just told united states it will no longer bully the world, and JUST IN: 🇨🇳 China has dumped $74 billion in US treasuries since 2023. YET BLINKIN is meeting with president XI 😂 CLOWNSHOW

  2. CHINA's influence? The Dim party's MASTER is Xi… they do whatever China tells them to do at the cost to the American people every day… DIMS do anything to remain in power and control….. of course $$$$$$$…

  3. its funny .. you are afraid of china .. but with trump you do not want allies … except maybe russia.. otherwise you always want America first.. no wonder countries are turning to china 😉

  4. The US and Western Military-Politician-Intelligence-Security-Think Tank-Academia–Media-Reconstruction Industrial Complex is beating the drum for war with China louder and louder. The US is also being aided by their vassal states in NATO and Asia.

  5. China doesn't need tanks, planes, ships or soldiers, it already has “The West” by the throat.
    China has “people in the White House” . . .

    A massive U.S. arsenal counts for nothing if there is no will to use it, if CCP is the controlling brain in the White House.
    It won't matter who’s there, only who controls it . . .

  6. "backyard” ?
    those are independent countries
    how fukin racist America can be ??🤣 if they are your "backyard" then maybe they should be allowed to enter the US freely

  7. I have been saying this for years, We the United States should have a partnership with every nation in the western hemisphere as opposed to focusing on Asia and the middle East, East Asia and Africa and Europe. We have everything in this western hemisphere of the globe ..

  8. China and the United States established relations in 70s. Now people are just pulling their crainial computers from it's rectal storage facility. People deserve to face reality.

  9. If China attacks America, we're safe. American citizens are slaves and your new slave master would be China. Doesn't matter if we're American slaves or Chinese slaves, same thing happens.

  10. I lived in the USA all my life and have felt nothing of "China's" influence. The media is a joke, blaming all their faults on other countries. We literally just gave billions to Ukraine yet we have the audacity to speak on "wealth".

  11. Xi, Putin and Rocket Man are Trump's best friends and he loves them because they cannot be voted out of office plus they have utter and complete power. Trump if he were in office would be cow towing to these guys and licking their boots.

  12. Fox cares only about one thing: ratings, they don't care about you or America, that's all a show to keep you watching. Fox knows their viewers are not that intelligent and they make fun of them behind the curtains, they know exactly what to say even if newshosts disagree what they are saying. Pure greed.

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