Home Politics Judge advises Stormy Daniels to limit details in Trump trial

Judge advises Stormy Daniels to limit details in Trump trial



The ‘Outnumbered’ panel discussed their reaction to the latest news emerging from the Manhattan courtroom as Stormy Daniels takes the witness stand in Trump’s criminal trial.


  1. Where's Charity, my friends? Charity toward one another, without wanting in return, sharing mother earth?
    Why, Greed, Power, or Lust? Maybe Possessions?
    Control, over What – ? מה , למה

  2. So what part of her lies are we supposed to not believe? I've heard twice now on LIVE TV that there was nothing going on between them. This is all BS!

  3. Stormy DingDong has got tobe the dumbest person yet. If the Don actually poked that, he must be into doing corpses. because with an IQ like that she had to have been buried

  4. i dont really understand what stormy daniels has anything to do with falsifying business records.
    did trump do it ? maybe. that is not for me to decide. but i dont think its for stormy to decide or know either.

    the prosecution is wasting everyone's time with her testimony.

  5. I think all the trials diaper Don goes through shoulx be on live TV so we can all enjoy the downfall….. VOTE BLUE, and resist the commie loving facist Trump chumps.

  6. Lord have mercy once the Trump Lawyers get their minutes with her stupidity.
    It's going to be Court Bloodletting.
    She has already signed off numerous times both in letters and with interviews, NOTHING HAPPENED.
    So her goofy testimony saying Trump made sexual advances, is not the same as going across the FINISH LINE.
    She wrote, already, there were no FINISH LINE encounters.
    So, let her big mouth flap, cuz she is going to be eating Humble Pie.

  7. Bill Clinton and the media worked very hard to convince America back in the 90's that sexual antics had nothing to do with being president. It seemed to work. Now the democrats can't figure out why Americans don't care about it.

  8. This irrelevant prejudicial testimony is 90% of the point with this purely election interference "trial." Hope Trump and new DOJ file a Section 1983 civil rights charge against the judge and DA Bragg for violating Trumps civil rights "under color of law." Judge is true ciminal as if DA Bragg. I'll bet behind this and the other cases is the biggest conspiracy the US has ever seen.

  9. Stormy: " …and when his little mushroom popped"
    Defense: " Objection – the court has heard enough, no more questions."
    Fox News lies to its audience once again – it wasn't the judge who initiated an objection of details, it was Trumps side
    get your facts straight Fox ~ and stop the BS – this is WHY we wanted cameras in the courtroom – to get the truth

  10. Jesus, How Many Cops Do You Need In That Court Room?! What?! You Think He’s Gonna Run 😂 What A Bunch Of Privileged Nerds (We’ll Scare Him & Post Our Po Po Around The Room, Yeah, That’ll Teach Him) 😂 What A Bunch Of Losers, This Trials A Joke

  11. They are doing a smear campaign against Donald Trump's reputation. But you know what the American public knows all that already? This is old news, it happened. What up almost 10 years ago or 10 years ago? So all they're doing is trying to smear him. But we patriots already know this story. And it's not gonna change our mind. We will still vote for Trump. Because he's the best man for the job to be our president, unlike joe biden

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