Home Tech Zuckerberg Unleashes F-Bomb in Rant Against Closed Ecosystems

Zuckerberg Unleashes F-Bomb in Rant Against Closed Ecosystems

Zuckerberg Unleashes F-Bomb in Rant Against Closed Ecosystems


In a candid conversation at the SIGGRAPH 2024 conference, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang discussed the future of artificial intelligence, chatbots, and open large language models. The exchange, which began with a lighthearted moment of swapping leather jackets, took a more serious turn as Zuckerberg expressed his frustration with closed ecosystems, specifically calling out Apple’s App Store.

Zuckerberg, donning a leather jacket and chain, launched into a passionate diatribe about the limitations imposed by platform providers. He recounted instances where he had been told he couldn’t build certain projects, leading him to declare, “There have been too many things that I’ve tried to build and have been told ‘nah, you can’t really build that’ by the platform provider that, at some level, I’m just like, ‘nah, fuck that.'”

This outburst is the latest manifestation of Zuckerberg’s ongoing rebranding effort, which has seen him embracing a more edgy, rebellious persona. From his MMA training to his fashion choices, including a “Carthage must die” t-shirt, Zuckerberg’s new image has drawn comparisons to the character of Kendall Roy from the TV series “Succession”.

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