Home U.S. Warning from a Former Antifa Member: Professional Activists May Be Orchestrating Protests

Warning from a Former Antifa Member: Professional Activists May Be Orchestrating Protests



Author and former Antifa activist Gabriel Nadales joins ‘Jesse Watters Primetime’ to discuss anti-Israel protests across college campuses.


  1. Nuestro gobierno no tiene idea de cómo la gente está sufriendo económicamente estos días en el mundo. Gracias señora Manderfield, imagínese invertir $6,000 y recibir $14,000 cada 8 días. Es importante que todos prioricen la inversión.

  2. Freedom of speech does not mean you can create havoc ,threaten people and bully people! We the people have had enough of insanity in our country and will protect ourselves! Be careful who you mess with!!

  3. Is Antifa actually in his rear view mirror, or is he around, now, to twist the narrative again? I do not believe him about the funding. All the matching tents all over the country do not suggest that random business owners donated a few of them. How can you give any AntifaBLM activist any credibility whatsoever?

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