Home Politics US Border Patrol gives Kamala Harris a long-awaited wake-up call

US Border Patrol gives Kamala Harris a long-awaited wake-up call

US Border Patrol gives Kamala Harris a long-awaited wake-up call


Public speaker on global human trafficking Ali Hopper joins ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ to discuss the widespread impact of the U.S. border crisis.


  1. Its crazy to me that you would want to grant amnesty to someone who is willing to drug and ship their child. And ive seen the video of the business owner whose kid was getting abducted, no response. Its a tough world but we arent employed with teaching south america how to parent.

  2. If Kamala Harris is so passionate about securing our borders then why didn't she do so as the appointed borders Czar three and a half years ago by Joe Biden publicly?
    If Kamala Harris is so passionate about the children then what is she doing about finding the 325,000 children that are missing in America right now?

    This was all a photo op.

    That portion of the wall was built during the Obama Administration.

    I will be voting for Donald J. Trump.

  3. DEI Kamala finally went to the border. A month before election. Really ! You are really desperate girl. Kamala you are as stupid and as fake as they come. You are a disgusting leftist. Nothing more. Go away. Trump 2024.

  4. Still waiting for trumps health care plan ,he said he would fix in 2015 ,got elected and still waited, never got it ,now he is saying the same thing ,Nhe had 4 years to fix it and didn’t do a thing ,although he said many times the program will be out in 3 months ,then 1 month then a few weeks ,but it never appeared ?

  5. A photo op is all this is. Biden/Harris opened the border and caused this crisis. This happened once Biden/Harris took office. We HAD a secure border when Trump was in office. This isn’t his fault. Any VOTER that votes for Harris is voting for illegal immigrants more drugs, more trafficking all so Harris can give them the right to vote. She is going to continually take money from legal Americans for the illegal immigrants. IF she does plan do to anything at all she’s going to make this a long drawn out process claiming it takes time to get a Bill in place for the Border issues. When all she needs to start with right now is an Executive Order from Biden to close the Border and then start working on deportation, which we know ahead of time won’t do. This woman doesn’t even have the compassion to think of the children that this is hurting. She should be ashamed of herself. I’m so disgusted by the Biden/Harris Administration. I just pray every night that Trump wins so we can do something for the children

  6. If Mala is so concerned about the border that President Biden and she are responsible for, why does she not tell the President close the border immediately and re-install remain in Mexico as starters. We still have a minimum 6 months of this administration and their policies. Numbers will grow despite Winter approaching

  7. Now because Harris wants votes and try to make people think she's going to do something about the border. Get real!! She could have been doing something and could be doing it right NOW! Why is she saying when she becomes president she will fix the border? That will never happen. She would continue to do what she's doing now. Which is NOTHING! 😢 WAKE UP AMERICA!

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