Home Politics Trump attracts up to 100,000 supporters to rally in liberal state

Trump attracts up to 100,000 supporters to rally in liberal state



Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J., joined ‘Fox & Friends First’ to discuss Trump’s rally in Wildwood over the weekend as he gains steam in Democrat-led states while Biden enlists celebrities to bolster support ahead of November.


  1. The Biden Administration Is Sinking Everything They Have Into Actors & Actresses & Musical Performers, Professional Liars, To People, Who No Longer Share The Same Values As The People There Trying To Push On Us, I Can Barely Afford Anything Right Now, Julia Roberts & George Clooney Have Maids………..Come On People

  2. hilarious, grotesque or pathetic ?

    That's GOPMAga !!!! wow!!

    The state of Indiana held their primaries this week, and in the Republican primary, a 59-year-old woman by the name of Jennifer Pace, easily won that Republican primary, and she is now the candidate going up against the incumbent Democrat on the ballot for that district. There's just one problem. Mrs. Pace is dead. In fact, Ms. Pace actually died two months ago

  3. I can't wait for November. I pray that President Trump prevails and that he wins in such a monumental landslide that no one can question the legitimacy of the vote. I also pray that every other race being voted on this year is won by a true believer and supporter of President Trump and those that love this country and what it has stood for since the beginning.

  4. Ecclesiastes 10:2 — The New International Version (NIV) 2 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. Let's flip NJ RED!! (if he couldn't flip NJ, Trump will definitely get PA!!!! )

  5. As ol' Joe gets around 20 people to his rallies … TRUMP DRAWS THOUSANDS … PROOF THAT OL' JOE HAS GOT TO GO. AND HE WILL GO IF THERE ARE NO SHENANIGANS IN NOVEMBER. But never underestimate those ballots printed up and dropped off in the dead of night like last time. -TRUMP 2024 💪🏼🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. Alex Acosta was the federal prosecutor who let Trump’s good friend Jeffery Epstein off with a no prosecution deal where his only punishment was to walk free during the day and sleep in a special jail cell at night for a short period of time.
    That allowed him to go on to molest more kids.
    After that Trump hired Acosta to be his labor secretary.

  7. DJT is an adjudicated sexual predator, fraudster and insurrectionist. And he's currently out on bail pending criminal trials in multiple jurisdictions involving 86 felony counts. With that record, no company in America, large or small, would hire him to be CEO or to serve on their board of directors. In fact, no company, period, would hire him in any capacity. With his resume, he couldn't even get a job at a fast-food joint flippin' burgers and cleaning toilets. Yet some Americans seem to think he's qualified to be president and manage the nuclear codes. Come on people, what universe are you living in?

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