Home Politics Biden is Utilizing Taxpayer Funds to Drive Democratic Voter Turnout

Biden is Utilizing Taxpayer Funds to Drive Democratic Voter Turnout

Biden is Utilizing Taxpayer Funds to Drive Democratic Voter Turnout


Months away from the 2024 presidential election, Americans are still unaware of an executive order signed by Joe Biden early in his presidency that could impact the outcome of the election. Recent documents obtained by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project reveal that the directive, known as Executive Order 14019, aims to increase voter participation among minority groups that typically vote Democratic. The order mandates federal agencies to register and mobilize voters with the help of nonpartisan third-party organizations.

Critics on the right have raised concerns that the order could lead to increased voter registration of only Democrat voters, potentially influencing the election outcome in significant ways. A memo from a July 2021 Department of Justice meeting with leftist activists further suggests collusion between federal agencies and activist groups.

The Biden administration has faced criticism for its partnership with leftist groups in implementing the order. Several federal agencies have been working to register voters who are more likely to support Democrats. In response to these concerns, various legal challenges have emerged, with Pennsylvania legislators filing a petition at the Supreme Court to expedite a case challenging the order.

The urgency of these legal challenges comes as the 2024 election approaches, and the impact of the executive order becomes more apparent. Critics argue that the order violates state laws prohibiting outside influence in election operations and point to potential conflicts of interest for President Biden as a candidate in the upcoming election.

Ultimately, the outcome of these legal challenges and the potential impact of Executive Order 14019 on the 2024 election remain to be seen.

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