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The Truth About Tim Walz: A Career Built on Falsehoods and Power-Hungry Ambition

The Truth About Tim Walz: A Career Built on Falsehoods and Power-Hungry Ambition


Tim Walz, the Marxist governor of Minnesota and running mate to Vice President Kamala Harris, has a long history of deceit and manipulation. His impressive resume of public lies has been used to further his own power and career, rather than serving the people of Minnesota.

One of the most egregious examples of Walz’s dishonesty is his misrepresentation of his military service. He has repeatedly claimed to have served in a war zone, when in fact he served in Italy and Norway. He also abandoned his Iraq-bound unit in his first run for Congress, leaving his fellow soldiers to deploy without him.

Walz’s campaign has also been caught in a number of other lies, including a false claim that he received an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce. The chamber’s president at the time, Barry L. Kennedy, wrote a scathing letter to Walz, calling him out on his dishonesty.

In addition to his military and business lies, Walz has also been caught in a number of personal falsehoods. He has claimed that his two children were conceived via in vitro fertilization (IVF), when in fact they were conceived through intrauterine insemination (IUI). He has used this false claim to attack pro-life conservatives and promote his own radical views on reproductive rights.

Walz’s allies in the Democratic Party and corporate media have helped him amplify his narrative inventions, including his false claims of being a head coach who turned a losing football team into state champions. In reality, Walz was an assistant coach on the Mankato West High School football team, and his role in the team’s success has been greatly exaggerated.

During Walz’s run for Congress in 2006, his campaign told some whoppers about his Driving Under the Influence and speeding charges in Nebraska, insisting that the DUI charge wasn’t true. It was a really bad lie, one that Walz allowed to live on for years.   

Despite his attempts to present himself as a moderate and a uniter, Walz’s record and actions reveal a radical leftist committed to aggrandizing the power of his party and himself. He has promoted the mutilation of minors through child sex changes, locked down his state during the pandemic, and threatened citizens with fines and jail time if they didn’t comply. Some have never recovered.

The real Tim Walz is a far cry from the “folksy” Minnesotan he claims to be. He is a power-hungry Democrat who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, including lying to the American people.

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