Home Politics The Coach Who Wasn’t: Gov. Tim Walz’s Embellished Football Career

The Coach Who Wasn’t: Gov. Tim Walz’s Embellished Football Career

The Coach Who Wasn’t: Gov. Tim Walz’s Embellished Football Career


Democratic vice presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) is facing fresh criticism over his tendency to exaggerate, with his football coaching career coming under the microscope. Walz has long touted his achievements as a coach, but a closer look reveals that he may have overstated his role.

Specifically, Walz has claimed to be the mastermind behind Mankato West High School’s football team’s success. However, records show that he actually served as defensive coordinator under head coach Rick Sutton, rather than being the lead coach.

While the position of defensive coordinator is undoubtedly important, the discrepancy between Walz’s claims and reality has raised eyebrows. This is not the first time Walz has been accused of embellishing the truth. His military record has also been called into question, with Walz previously referring to himself as a “retired command sergeant major” – a title he never actually held.

The latest revelation adds to a growing list of concerns about Walz’s honesty, which have intensified since his selection as Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate. Separate incidents have also come to light, including a 1995 traffic stop in which Walz allegedly lied about being “deaf” to explain his failure to pull over, and claimed he was not intoxicated despite failing a field sobriety test and preliminary breath test.

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