Home Tech The Brilliance of a Dumbphone Subreddit

The Brilliance of a Dumbphone Subreddit

The Brilliance of a Dumbphone Subreddit


The concept of dumbphone life, as described by r/Dumbphones moderator Jose Briones, focuses on reclaiming time and attention for things that hold true value. Despite the irony of discovering the subreddit through algorithmic suggestions based on online browsing habits, it has become a favorite online destination.

Briones, who adopted dumbphones in late 2019 after excessive screen time, initially struggled with devices like the Light Phone due to essential features missing. However, during the pandemic lockdown, he found success with a dumbphone, leading to a more fulfilling and active lifestyle. His involvement in r/Dumbphones as a moderator has significantly increased its membership over the years.

Personally, like Briones, I also attempted using a Light Phone in the past but ultimately returned to a smartphone. However, upon joining r/Dumbphones, I realized that owning a dumbphone is not about extremes or anti-technology sentiments but rather about evaluating one’s phone usage needs. The subreddit fosters a supportive and inclusive community without judgment.

Newcomers to the subreddit often utilize the Dumbphone Finder tool created by Briones to identify suitable devices based on preferences. By implementing tips and tricks from r/Dumbphones, such as removing social media apps and opting for a wristwatch instead of constantly checking the phone for time, users can gradually reduce screen time and dependence on smartphones.

R/Dumbphones stands out for its transient nature, with users arriving, finding solutions, and then moving on. This subreddit exemplifies how technology, when used purposefully, can enhance our lives only when necessary.

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