Home Politics ‘The Five’: Democrats Experience Major ‘Freakout’ Over Biden

‘The Five’: Democrats Experience Major ‘Freakout’ Over Biden

‘The Five’: Democrats Experience Major ‘Freakout’ Over Biden


‘The Five’ co-hosts react to Democrats panicking over President Biden’s re-election prospects.


  1. Richard does not speak for us black people. What he said makes no sense. The Democrats been lying to the community since forever and that is why more and more black people are leaving. They are more black women then men, which is why the Dems always gets the blk vote. Luckily, the Republicans doesn’t need the blk vote the Dems do

  2. How can anyone vote for a guy who: Traded a high ranking Spy for a WNBA player, Makes it Illegal to defend yourself from criminals in 15 states, gives $$ to Illegal immigrants while ignoring the struggles of Americans, Cancels free internet for our poor and seniors, Left millions of dollars worth of weapons behind in Iraq for the terrorists to snap up.Wants to put our fuel supply in the hands of China…I'd keep going but I've only got a couple of hours before work.

  3. Judge they know who and what are going to count the votes. And the dead will still be voting in America in a fair election – ha, ha, ha! GOP is in big trouble. Mark my words. Trump needs a miracle. Could you imagine given all that is going on Trump and Biden are still neck and neck. Trump should be up by 20 points in every state! Something is cooking and Trump needs a miracle to win. Oh God help us!

  4. They won't let Donald Trump be President. The last election was rigged. An evidence was in front of your eyes, just like this election. How , Donald Trump draws tens of thousands of people. No matter where he goes, Joe Biden can't draw a 100. The numbers don't add up. Unless one democrat vote is worth a thousand republican votes

  5. Logically, a president/governor try not to tick voters off. They want a second term. Gloves come off during the second term, sometimes. What in the world would become of America if Biden is "elected" again?

  6. Trump found guilty of a misdemeanor. Thats millions of votes for him. Hes just like one of us bent over by democratic judicial systems for stupid rules they. Made …we dont need no more bs laws

  7. Sleepy Joe Biden has made a huge tactical error in using the term "Convicted felon" former President Trump, unless Biden already knows the fix is in. Then in that case, a full-blown investigation should be launched into how many of these indictments had Joe Biden's handprints on them.

  8. Just remember: Dems want to replace Biden NOT because he's a senile old fool incapable of handling the demands of the presidency. Oh no. They're fine with that. They want to replace Biden only because they think he's going to lose.

  9. I notice UPPITY BLACK Richard Fowler reading his notes like Jessica or Juan Williams. Now Richard needs to learn to Change SUBJECTS & WORDS to hurt FDJT like Jessica hurts him with Independents

  10. I'm not sure why anyone is not commenting on the fact that if the Biden/Harris ticket gets elected, Biden will be out of there ASAP and you now have Harris as our President. Is ANYONE comfortable with that?!? The Dems are going to play the same play as in 2020. Put Joe in the basement, Harris out to pasture and then have all the news agencies cry that if Trump is elected it'll be the end of democracy. Let me see, who tried to get opponent tossed from states ballots? Who created lawsuits in deep blue state of political opponent? Who is famous for having dead people vote for their party favorites? Not the Republicans….. just sayin…….

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