Home Politics Speaker Johnson expresses disgust over current events

Speaker Johnson expresses disgust over current events



House Speaker Mike Johnson speaks out against the N.Y. v. Trump criminal trial outside of the courthouse in Manhattan.


  1. This is political persecution from the Democrat party using communist tactics to control an election …. that is a very dangerous agenda if you value freedom… even if you hate Trump you have to see if the Democrats manipulate this election you will have lost every right given to you by the constitution. Next they will come for your free speech, finances and assets, rights to bare arms, right to assembly … churches should be worried because Democrats will go after them next.
    Democrats must be stopped … vote them out !

  2. Since Trump can't say any of these things himself because of the gag order placed on him then it's up to everyone else to call out this corruption and speak for regaining control of our legal system and our government as a whole.

  3. Honestly I am disgusted because you keep given more money! This not that hard….We can supply aid but its going too far, and I wonder how much just comes back as kickbacks to Biden and company. ???

  4. He’s getting worried . Doing some cleaning up here because he’s not looking so good in the speaker position. Where were you in all his other trials ? We are not stupid we see the tactics that Congress uses to try and bull$&it we the people smh. I’m not buying it

  5. Mike Johnson, you turned out to be a huge disappointment. I literally thought you were going to be the one that was going to turn stuff around but you didn’t you betrayed the American people and I’m not real sure how you feel about not supporting Israel because you can’t talk out of both sides of your mouth so right now anything that you have to say really has no merit with me.

  6. 3 and a half years now you have done nothing except yak about how wrong things are, and as usual nothing done. I will stop filing tax until someone we elected does anything they promised

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