Home Politics Sen. Chris Coons: Biden is 'looking forward'

Sen. Chris Coons: Biden is 'looking forward'

Sen. Chris Coons: Biden is 'looking forward'


Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., breaks down President Biden’s proposed radical changes to the Supreme Court and his decision to step aside on ‘Your World.’


  1. It'll never happen for the simple fact that that would require a change to the Constitution and even if he had consensus in both houses and they both voted yes and then he signed it it would have to be ratified by 3/4 of the state legislators it ain't going to happen

  2. Start with Congressional term limits then add disclosure of gifts, contribution and investments including to all family members.. Biden has tried to dismantle and dictate constitutional policies except closing and securing our borders. He is a very vengeful individual. 🇺🇲

  3. TODAY WE HAVE MORE PEOPLE WORKING THEN EVER, with Trump he received the award for the worst president to create jobs since President Hoover. The numbers don’t lies but Trump does. Thank you Biden as finally people can take care of their families and even pets.

  4. This guy Just Goes Around The Specifics Of Bidens "Reform" Of The Supreme Court And Using A Ploy To Only Discuss Key Points In The Reform And Keeping OUT The Whole "Reform" Bill. This Is The Game They Play On Americanns Because They Never Bring Out There True Intentions When Discussing ANY Bill Which Always HIDES Issues/Law That Have NOTHING To Due With The Bill Itself, This Affects ALL Americans Yet They're Not TRANSPARENT With The Truth .

  5. BS, our founders created a Constitutional Republic that is operating as a democracy which is why we as a county are so broken. We the People MUST start SELF GOVERNING! The rest of this crap is fake talking points to distract from all the tyranny that is going on.

  6. We know Biden isn't up to the job so he should not make any bills about the Supreme Court they are our more knowledgeable with their years and they have the option to retire, the people in Congress need term limits if anyone does

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