Home Politics Rubio calls for visas of anti-Israel campus protesters supporting Hamas to be...

Rubio calls for visas of anti-Israel campus protesters supporting Hamas to be revoked

Rubio calls for visas of anti-Israel campus protesters supporting Hamas to be revoked


Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has proposed that student protesters who express support for the Hamas terrorist group should have their visas revoked. This suggestion comes as protests in support of Palestine on college campuses have caused disruptions, leading to concerns among foreign students that they could lose their visas if they participate in these demonstrations. Rubio emphasized that students with visas are not U.S. residents and should be focusing on their studies instead of engaging in protests backing Hamas.

On Fox News Sunday, Rubio stated that individuals on visas who deface statues of George Washington, remove American flags, and display Palestinian flags should have their visas revoked. This stance echoes a similar proposal made by Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) in April, where he recommended that students involved in antisemitic protests should be deported. Rubio also criticized what he called “zombies” and “antisemitic left-wing nut cases” for engaging in violent and vandalistic behavior during these protests. He expressed disappointment in President Joe Biden for not taking a stronger stance against these protesters and their support for Hamas, speculating that Biden may be hesitant to jeopardize their support ahead of the 2024 election.

Rubio, who is rumored to be included on former President Donald Trump’s list of potential vice presidential candidates, downplayed the speculation, stating that ultimately, the decision lies with Trump himself. Senator Cotton suggested that the campus protests occurring nationwide could benefit Trump in the upcoming presidential election, as he is widely expected to be the Republican Party’s nominee.

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