Home Politics Political Donors of Biden Fund Pro-Hamas Protests

Political Donors of Biden Fund Pro-Hamas Protests

Political Donors of Biden Fund Pro-Hamas Protests


The protests on university campuses across the nation, which are pro-Palestinian and antisemitic, are being funded by President Joe Biden’s political donors. This could be the reason why he is reluctant to condemn these protests and has not initiated any investigations into them.

Biden recently made vague statements in response to questions about the protests, condemning antisemitism but also expressing understanding for those supporting the Palestinians. Research conducted by NGO Monitor and others has revealed that the donors behind these protests include familiar names from the Democratic Party’s funding sources, such as George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and other liberal philanthropies.

Despite civil rights abuses occurring at these protests, including attacks on Jews and journalists, Biden’s Department of Justice has not taken action to investigate or pursue RICO conspiracy charges. Some believe that Biden is hesitant to investigate these incidents due to concerns about embarrassing or subjecting his own political donors to scrutiny.

Reports from Politico have highlighted that Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow, the main organizers behind these protests, are supported by the Tides Foundation, which receives funding from Democratic megadonors like George Soros and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Other prominent Democratic donors, such as David Rockefeller Jr. and Susan and Nick Pritzker, have also contributed to funding these protest movements.

This revelation of Democratic Party mega-donors funding antisemitic protests could potentially lead Jewish voters, who traditionally support the Democratic Party, to reconsider their voting decisions in the upcoming election. As concerns grow about the impact of these protests on key swing states, Biden may face pressure to address the issue more forcefully to avoid losing support from Jewish voters.

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