Home Tech Review of Sony CRE-E10: Versatile Hearing Devices

Review of Sony CRE-E10: Versatile Hearing Devices

Review of Sony CRE-E10: Versatile Hearing Devices


Sony made a splash in the over-the-counter hearing aid market two years ago with the release of the CRE-C10 and CRE-E10 models. While the C10 was praised for its tiny size and discreet design, the E10 offers a different experience altogether.

The C10 and E10 both feature an in-ear earbud-like design, but the E10 is larger and more visible, resembling a standard Bluetooth earbud. The fit may vary depending on the shape of your concha, and Sony provides four pairs of eartips to help customize the fit.

One major difference between the two models is the battery type: the C10 uses replaceable batteries, while the E10 has a rechargeable battery that can last up to 26 hours. The E10 also lacks external controls, relying instead on Sony’s Hearing Control app for adjustments.

Setting up the E10 aids with the app may require removing old aids first, which can be a bit of a hassle. Overall, the E10 offers a different experience from the C10, with its own set of pros and cons.

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