Home Politics Rep. Carol Miller Hosted Bill Gates in West Virginia to Introduce ‘Global...

Rep. Carol Miller Hosted Bill Gates in West Virginia to Introduce ‘Global Agenda’

Rep. Carol Miller Hosted Bill Gates in West Virginia to Introduce ‘Global Agenda’


Former West Virginia State Rep. Derrick Evans (R) claimed during an interview that Rep. Carol Miller (R-WV) brought Bill Gates to West Virginia to promote his “globalist agenda.” Evans, who is running against Miller in the state’s primary, characterized her as an “undocumented Democrat” rather than a Republican In Name Only (RINO). He criticized Miller for her vote on various bills, including the $1.2 trillion government funding plan, FISA reauthorization, aid to Ukraine, and support for the Green New Deal and taxpayer-funded abortion through Obamacare.

Miller, on the other hand, mentioned having a positive meeting with Bill Gates in January 2023. Additionally, she voted in alignment with Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) amid attempts by other Representatives to remove him from his leadership position in the House.

An ad launched by Miller’s campaign falsely claimed that Evans had a “zero” rating with the NRA, despite him actually having an “AQ” rating, the highest possible without a voting record. The controversy surrounding this ad was addressed by NRA board member-elect Dennis Fusaro, who confirmed Evans’ A rating with the NRA. Miller also accused Evans of being pro-transgender, despite her own votes in support of funding transgender surgery for minors.

Evans further criticized Miller’s voting record during the interview, highlighting her alignment with the established political system.

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