Home World Poll Reveals Immigration as UK’s Most Pressing Concern

Poll Reveals Immigration as UK’s Most Pressing Concern

Poll Reveals Immigration as UK’s Most Pressing Concern


A recent survey by Ipsos has revealed that immigration has become the top concern for Britons, surpassing healthcare and the economy for the first time since the Brexit referendum in 2016. According to the Ipsos Issues Index, 34% of respondents identified immigration as the most pressing issue facing the country, followed by healthcare at 30%, the economy at 29%, and inflation at 20%.

The survey, which polled over 1,000 adults between August 7th and 13th, found that supporters of Nigel Farage’s Reform UK party were most likely to prioritize immigration, with 75% listing it as their top concern. Conservative Party voters were also highly concerned about immigration, with 62% ranking it as their top issue.

The survey’s findings come amid a backdrop of rising tensions over immigration, including the ongoing migrant crisis in the English Channel and record-high levels of net migration. The UK has seen over 5,000 boat migrants cross the Channel since Prime Minister Keir Starmer took office last month, and net migration hit a record high of 764,000 in 2022.

The survey also found that crime has become a major concern for the public, with 25% of respondents listing it as their top issue. This represents a significant increase from last month’s figure of 6%. Concern over race relations has also risen sharply, with 11% of respondents identifying it as their top issue, the highest level since June 2020.

Commenting on the findings, Mike Clemence at Ipsos noted that the recent riots across the UK have had a clear impact on public opinion. “The level of concern about crime and race relations has surged to recent highs, while immigration has returned as the top issue for the country for the first time since 2016,” he said.

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