Home Politics Michael Cohen’s web of lies exposed by ‘The Five’

Michael Cohen’s web of lies exposed by ‘The Five’



‘The Five’ panelists break down the cross-examination of disbarred attorney Michael Cohen.


  1. Con hen has this pompous blow hard demeanor as Joey Buttafeoco had. Nothing but hot air. He is pissed that he fkd himself up and wound up in jail.
    Strupet Daniels is pissed because she lost a case to Trump. A gaggle of butt hurt oppertunist looking for their fifteen minutes of limelight to jazz up their has been exsistence.

  2. This blonde is dumber then her support for the left.
    Trumps lawyers have this lying ducebag Cohen, he's nothing but a scumbag, so this blonde on their panel tries to put the liberal leftist spin on it all by saying there's still proof .

  3. You know, the cackling VP has paid a visit to my home state of WISCONSIN today.

    😒 //sighing, shaking head//

    I still…. don't understand why suburban wyte women, and inner city people, are "STILL" voting blue.😳
    The suburban wyte women are STILL stuck on the abortion issue.

    Tony, an old school guy

  4. So let me see, Cohen was Trump’s personal liar-in-arms for years but now that he’s testifying against his former boss Trump’s defense is that Cohen is a liar? Are you kidding me?

    And of course these Fox News apologists sit there in their fancy clothes and try to convince their idiot viewers that up is down and black is white?

  5. Seems to me that,
    Michael Cohen was basically extorting money and favors from Trump without Trump even knowing..
    Trump trusted Cohen to handle nuisance but Cohen sometimes created nuisances to extort cash from Trump and make himself look like Trump's personal lifeguard

  6. You have GOT to be kidding me. Fox is still paying Mary Harf?? The stupid (fill in the blank) who said that terrorists just need jobs. She's a fool, Fox needs to fire her and rehire Tucker.

  7. Cohen threw in his own incriminating record to the public! It wasn't a 14yo prank calling him, it was he calling the 14yo. He was digging for info, trying to see if he was also being investigated for chasing underaged gals.

  8. For that democrat on the panel for your info public may have been frustrated over the noise and drama. The drama was inflicted by Democrats. I can only hope that the public realize who caused the problem. Please don't bring her back .. Ford is resonable though i don't agree with most of his politics.

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