Home Politics Media Believes Voters Will Think Biden’s Border Issues Are Improving

Media Believes Voters Will Think Biden’s Border Issues Are Improving

Media Believes Voters Will Think Biden’s Border Issues Are Improving


Corporate media are attempting to deceive voters into thinking that illegal border crossings are “plummeting” and the situation is “calming down” thanks to collaboration between the Biden Administration and Mexico, but don’t be misled by their pro-Biden narrative.

One notable article from the Intelligencer boldly proclaimed “Migrant Border Crossings Are Dropping Rapidly” and speculated whether this alleged decline is “Too Late to Help Biden.”

The piece portrayed public disapproval of the border crisis as a result of a “drumbeat of news” and “constant Republican complaints on the subject,” rather than a significant problem affecting Americans of all ages. The author also argued that the so-called “decline” in border crossings is “really good news for the 46th president” ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

“If border crossings continue to drop until election day, exaggerated Republican claims that Biden has ‘opened the border’ will begin to lose credibility, and Trump’s second-term plans to launch a large-scale armed deportation initiative will start to sound as harsh as the former president himself,” the author suggests wistfully.

Firstly, illegal border crossings aren’t actually dropping from the unprecedented levels President Joe Biden and his administration have encouraged. In April 2024 alone, 179,725 illegal crossers were apprehended (and likely released) by Customs and Border Protection after attempting to cross the Southwest border.

This figure may be down from the staggering more than 200,000 apprehensions recorded in the same month in 2023 and 2022, but it’s still far from the normal range for the Southern boundary.

As The Center for Immigration Studies’ Andrew Arthur noted, U.S. border officials termed the 99,273 illegal border crossers who were apprehended entering the U.S. in April 2019 a “cascading crisis” and “freefall.” That’s “roughly 28 percent fewer aliens” than were encountered in April 2024, yet the Biden administration’s media supporters lauded it as a triumph.

In reality, CBP data indicates the April 2024 numbers are higher than those in 21 of the last 24 fiscal years, and that’s without counting the estimated millions of “gotaways” who successfully evaded capture and processing by border patrol.

Even if border crossings were “dropping,” as corporate media so speciously claim, it hasn’t been sufficient to reduce voters’ concerns about illegal border crossings. Recent polling shows that the border crisis has become a top concern for voters in the 2024 election, and that a majority disapprove of Biden’s handling of the issue.

A plurality of swing state voters say securing the U.S. border is more important than spending taxpayer dollars to protect other countries’ borders.

Meanwhile, more than half of Americans, including 42 percent of Democrats, support expelling illegal border crossers from the U.S.—a solution the corporate media routinely criticize former President Donald Trump for proposing.

Repeatedly, corrupt media outlets like The Intelligencer have aligned themselves with the Biden administration on the border issue. When the situation became uncontrollable, they ignored it. Then when Americans still recognized the absolute breakdown of the Southern border without media assistance, the press hurried to defend the Biden administration. They even went as far as to lie about those attempting to secure it.

Americans are aware of the threat posed by drug-related, trafficking operations plaguing our Southern border to our nation’s sovereignty and security. However, corrupt media like the Intelligencer hope that if they can suppress, ignore, and downplay those concerns enough, it will benefit Biden in the November 2024 election.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Truth Voices and producer of The Truth Voices Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on X @jordanboydtx.

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