Home Politics Jill Biden Believes Voters Will Support Biden: Trusts in People’s Good Judgment

Jill Biden Believes Voters Will Support Biden: Trusts in People’s Good Judgment

Jill Biden Believes Voters Will Support Biden: Trusts in People’s Good Judgment


First lady Jill Biden expressed confidence on The View that her husband’s low poll numbers will improve as the election year progresses.

Co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin inquired about President Joe Biden’s chances, noting that he has been lagging behind in key polls with only five months until November’s election.

“Many polls show Trump leading your husband beyond the margin of error, whereas in 2020, Joe Biden was prevailing in nearly every poll. How do you plan to reverse these numbers with only five months left? Are you concerned about the potential impact of a second Trump term?” Griffin questioned.

“We plan to engage with people directly. We’ll visit college campuses and as many states as possible,” the first lady responded.

Biden continued, “Joe has been traveling extensively, and we’re not taking anything for granted. I’m sure the polls will shift.”

“I believe Americans will choose good over evil,” she stated on Wednesday.

Polls consistently show Trump and Biden close, with Trump leading in swing states that Biden won in 2020. Nationwide, Trump is currently ahead according to the RealClearPolitics polling average.

Recent reports indicate that Democrats are extremely concerned about Biden’s reelection chances, with major donors expressing a pervasive sense of fear.

“Biden’s stubbornly low polling and the high stakes of the election are causing the panic,” a Democratic adviser commented.

On Wednesday, the Biden campaign launched their outreach initiative “Black Voters for Biden-Harris” to connect with minority voters, a group where the president has been losing ground to Trump in recent polls.

According to Pew Research, Biden’s overall approval among Black Americans has decreased from 87% in March 2021 to 55%.

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