Home Politics Mark Levin raises alarm over Biden and Democrats’ alleged power grab

Mark Levin raises alarm over Biden and Democrats’ alleged power grab



Fox News host Mark Levin tears into the legal cases facing former President Donald Trump on ‘Life, Liberty & Levin.’


  1. Mark Levin, if everything he said would be acted upon, even just publicised more, would solve all americas problems, together with a fully house/senate empowered donald trump.
    But what Mark is missing is, that he probably feels he is doing a lot, and he leaves the rest to all of us. But we do nothing. We just listen to mark levin like listening to a beautiful Mozart symphony, then we go home and forget about it.

  2. This info is a little too little a but too late. The smart people know that this has been so from time immemorial as practiced by the Democrats and their gang of apostles. Tge dems are brazenly outlaws in this context.

  3. Imagine being an American Soldier, sitting in a wheelchair, and watch what you fought for, the FREEDOMS OF AMERICANS, go down the drain BY OUR OWN COUNTRY. What must that FEEL like, to have no limbs or BURNED, for your COUNTRY, just to turn into a COMMUNIST COUNTRY through the POLITICIANS RUNNING THIS COUNTRY. THEY are the ones I feel for.

  4. Leticia "big shame. James" & Alvin "do nothing" bragg. I am almost positive one could Trace Alvin Bragg back to Confederate general Bragg. Which in a sense they would be related

  5. Putin replaced Shoigu as head of his war effort. That's REAL NEWS! Fox doesn't do News. Just opinions. Bring on General Keaton. He's worth listening too. They haveva civilian in charge of the military. That's a significant change. He's no Albert Speer. But look for more of the same human meat waves and drones. He believes in innovation….they say. Fox of course is clueless about such developments. They can't see past Washington DCband CNN and the View. Bunch of Hens clucking!

  6. Complacency committed by the average American citizen is why we are where we are today. We assumed that those holding government positions, no matter at what level had the interest of the American people on the forefront we are now finding out the hard way that they didn’t. Many of us have the attitude that what is going on really doesn’t affect us, but it does and we had better start waking up and taking action to take back our constitution and the freedoms that so many of us take for granted every day before it’s too late. We must appreciate what we have in this country and be willing to fight for it before it could be taken away from us forever.

  7. I think the American people see corruption at its few high positions throughout the government and courts. Never voted in a presidential election, but I see a history in making yesterday in New Jersey. Over 100,000 supporters came to see Trump at a ralley in a deep blue state. I think it will be a Regan win in 2024. We can not sustain open borders, crime, inflation, and wars all over the globe. If Trump lose. United States of America will be destroyed.

  8. If he doesn't win this time….there will be a civil w*r… God help us all. I'm standing behind Trump for the 3rd time. I just hope people wake up and see what's happening. Our whole world will be crumbing down around us and some people just don't see it. Just because you've voted for demonRats in the past it doesn't mean you have to do it any longer …be the solution… And vote RED

  9. The Angel G a b r i e l was sent to M a r y in the form of a man, with glad tidings of a child who was to be born miraculously without a father.
    “Then We sent to her Our spirit (angel G a b r i e l ), and he appeared before her in the form of a man in all respects. She said: ‘Surely I seek refuge from you with the Most Beneficent ( G o d ) if you do fear G o d .’ He said: ‘I am only a messenger of your L o r d : to announce to you the gift of a righteous son.’ She said: ‘How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not u n c h a s t e ?’ He said, ‘Thus [it will be]’. Your L o r d says, ‘It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already] decreed.’” Q u r’ a n 19:17-21
    Some claim that his miraculous birth is evidence of J e s u s ’ divinity. However, J e s u s was not the first to come into existence without a father, as P r o p h e t Adam (peace be upon him) before him had neither a father nor mother. G o d says:
    “The likeness of J e s u s before A l l a h is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: ‘Be’, and he was. This is the truth from your L o r d , so be not of the disputes._Q u r ’ a n_ 3:59-60

  10. Trump is the first candidate in the Republican primaries who, although he no longer has any opponents, is unable to collect 100% of the votes. The Republican primaries held in Indiana gave 20% of the votes in favor of Ms. Haley although she has not been a candidate for the nomination for 2 months.

  11. Unfortunately, prophecy says that we will have a revolution…and it will be devastating.WE MUST RESTORE OUR USA TO THE CONSTITUTION….therefore, all treasonous actors must be REMOVED FROM OFFICE NOW
    So start making your lists.

  12. Every sensible round the world knows that USA is already a rapidly failing state, contemplating into how many parts it will break up. Constitutional failure, judiciary completely gone, no territorial boundary, non citizen voting.. need I say more? One more election stealing which is surely coming, and the once land of the brave and the free will break up into an Islamic west, a Communist east and perhaps a small republic in the south.
    I pray that Americans wake up actively to save what remains of their once beautiful country.

  13. Biden is creating chaos and policies and will continue doing so until the election. Trump will then have to spend four years reversing those and won't be able to carry out promises he ran on making him as ineffective as he was.

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