Home Politics Mark Levin Endorses Rep. Don Bacon

Mark Levin Endorses Rep. Don Bacon

Mark Levin Endorses Rep. Don Bacon


Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District, known for his centrist views and criticism of former President Donald Trump, received an unexpected endorsement from conservative radio personality Mark Levin. Levin believes Bacon is better suited for national security policy than his opponent, citing Bacon’s commitment to prioritizing America’s interests over isolationism and libertarianism.

Levin’s support for Bacon highlights a broader issue within the Republican Party, where a vocal minority of isolationists have been influencing policy decisions. Despite historical Republican leadership on national security issues, some members of the party have been hesitant to support aid to countries like Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel. However, polling shows that most Republican voters still support a robust foreign policy approach.

The rise of right-wing isolationists in Congress, influenced by online trends and media personalities, threatens to weaken the Republican Party’s ability to oppose President Joe Biden’s foreign policy agenda. Republicans should be leading the charge against perceived foreign policy weakness and standing up to America’s adversaries. Levin emphasized the importance of a strong foreign policy in his endorsement of Bacon, echoing the sentiment that the party must unite behind bold conservatism to truly represent the will of the voters.

Ultimately, it is crucial for Republican leaders in Washington to listen to their base and prioritize strong foreign policy that advances American interests abroad. Insurgent isolationists may attempt to undermine this approach, but primary voters have made it clear they support a proactive stance on national security. It is up to Republican leaders to embody this Reaganite confidence and unite the party around a vision that puts America first.

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