Home World Lt. Gen. Kellogg: Israel is disregarding the Biden-Harris admin

Lt. Gen. Kellogg: Israel is disregarding the Biden-Harris admin

Lt. Gen. Kellogg: Israel is disregarding the Biden-Harris admin


Former Trump National Security Adviser Lt. Gen Keith Kellogg (Ret.) calls out the Biden-Harris administration for their handling of the Middle East and says these conflicts must be handled with strength.


  1. Apart from Hizbollah never complying with UN Resln. 1701, The UN provided troops (well paid from US coffers) those troops did nothing to enforce 1701, to prevent Hizbollah from building up 150,000 rockets & all munitions.

  2. EXCUSE ME, GEN. KELLOGG, But exactly what administration is Israel ignoring? Biden and Harris have never had a presidential administration. Jill Biden heads a presidential cabinet meeting. When was she cleared by Congress or the Senate to have such a security clearance? Isn't that a secuirty breech when the wife of a president sits in on a cabinet meeting?

  3. Biden/Harris/democrat machine…WEAK and doing nothing now but pandering for votes. The United Nations is a joke. Radical Islamism is a threat to the entire world …not just Israel. Wake the heck up Western world !!

  4. She was workin’ at the White House, what a cool VP. And then Biden stopped his campaign, sayin’ “no, not me”.

    What were we to do, where were we to go, we were out on our fanny.

    Then suddenly Joe said Kamala’s the one to run. She raised millions and endorsements came from everyone.

    She’s got brains.
    She’s got balls.
    And Tim Walz
    She’ll soon be President, Harris.

    Who would’ve guessed that a “girl who turned black”, would find a way to bring hope and joy back.

    Now the campaign is really bitchin’, watch out DT! And republicans say they’re switchin’, cause they agree.

    That the lady who laughs, is now the one to save democracy.

    That girl who just fell out of, a coconut tree! ❤️

  5. Israel is doing what it must do to preserve itself. There's no need to talk to biden or harris about it becouse doing so would just make things worse. biden dosen't even know where he is and who he's talking to most of the time,, harris is doing her best to turn this country into a 💩-hole. Vote Trump-Vance24. 🇺🇲💪👍

  6. Trump is merely a front.
    Trump is not an ideologue. He is a bulldozer used by two GOP-linked networks that often collaborate.
    The first network is made of hard right-wing ideologues that have been gradually implementing a neo-fascist US since the Reagan era, chipping away at courts, regulations, rights, etc. This is the Project 2025 network.
    Trump knows what Project 2025 is but he likely doesn’t care, because policy is a thing other people do while he steals money and ensures impunity for himself and his backers.
    The second network is transnational organized crime, the network in which Trump is most at home. Their goal is to collapse the US and strip it and sell it for parts, much like the oligarch wars that followed the collapse of the USSR. This network has been active for decades as well.
    Both networks contain fanatics of varying faiths who deploy rhetoric with apocalyptic overtones. Some are true messianic believers. Others are propaganda trolls that exploit religion for financial and political gain. Broken or corrupt US institutions, especially the DOJ, have allowed these anti-American entities to grow and thrive. Blackmail, threats, and bribery play a role in solidifying their power, but many officials are simply complicit, including in the Democratic Party.
    The two networks may clash at some point, depending on whether their goal is American autocracy or collapse. Either way, Americans will get some form of mafia state kleptocracy, which is what we have already.
    The big danger is of course not even Trump, the man, but the criminal billionaire networks he represents. They are the ones that need to be examined far more urgently.

  7. Don't like this "Israel is correct to Ignore the entire Biden-Harris cabinet, their government policies are detrimental to the continuation of Israel." eh?
    Can't type the word "detrimental" or what? Pfft

  8. Does the stopgap funding measure introduced by Johnson give Israel cloak and dagger carte blanche to game the system in war profiteering? How will the US protect its citizens who think the money could be better spent on EMS fire and healthcare? Does Israel consider that rhetoric Hezbollah sympathy? How can the US better protect its interest and neighbors without forsaking its infrastructure?

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