Home Politics Lady Gaga’s Father Praises Trump’s Plan to End Tax on Tips

Lady Gaga’s Father Praises Trump’s Plan to End Tax on Tips

Lady Gaga’s Father Praises Trump’s Plan to End Tax on Tips


Joe Germanotta, father of pop star Lady Gaga and owner of Joanne Trattoria, appeared on Fox News Channel’s “Your World” to share his thoughts on former President Trump’s plan to eliminate taxes on tips. Germanotta expressed his enthusiasm for the proposal, calling it a “great thing” for both employees and restaurant owners.

When asked by host Neil Cavuto about the potential impact on his workers, who rely heavily on tipping, Germanotta explained that the plan would effectively give them a raise. He noted that 75% of his employees’ income comes from tips, and that the tax exemption would provide them with more disposable income.

Germanotta also pointed out that if hourly wages were increased, it would likely lead to higher menu prices. However, the tax exemption on tips would allow employees to earn more without affecting the restaurant’s pricing. He added that this would enable his employees to work fewer jobs, as many of them currently hold multiple positions, such as server and bus boy roles.

Germanotta praised Trump’s initiative, calling it a “brilliant” move that would benefit everyone involved. He reiterated that the plan is a “win/win” for both employees and restaurant owners, and expressed his support for the proposal.

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