Home Politics Kennedy: Trump is the Only Way to Stop ‘Censorship Machine’

Kennedy: Trump is the Only Way to Stop ‘Censorship Machine’

Kennedy: Trump is the Only Way to Stop ‘Censorship Machine’


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has taken a dramatic turn in his presidential aspirations, shifting his support from his own campaign to that of former President Donald Trump. After suspending his own bid for the White House, Kennedy is now urging his supporters nationwide to cast their ballots for the GOP nominee.

In a video message shared on X, Kennedy made a direct appeal to his followers. “The bottom line is clear: no matter where you live, vote for Trump,” he emphasized. “This is the only way to bring about the change I’ve been fighting for and to fulfill the mission that drove my campaign.”

Kennedy’s decision is rooted in his deep-seated concerns about the erosion of free speech in the United States. He believes that if Kamala Harris is elected, the powers backing her will stifle this fundamental right, pushing the country further down the path of totalitarianism. “We’re already halfway there,” he warned. “If we don’t act now, it will be too late by 2028. This is our last chance to stop them.”

Kennedy revealed that he has had extensive discussions with Trump, his team, and his family about the gravity of the free speech issue. He believes that Trump, having been personally affected by censorship, including being kicked off Twitter in 2021, fully grasps the dangers of the “censorship machine.”

“Trump has experienced firsthand how government agencies are being used to silence political opponents,” Kennedy noted. “He’s counting on me to help him root out this corruption, and I’m counting on you to help him win the White House.”

Kennedy predicts a closely contested election, which could further divide the nation if the result is disputed. To avoid this, he believes Trump needs to win decisively, securing a landslide victory in both the Electoral College and the popular vote.

“Let’s elect Donald Trump on November 5th,” Kennedy urged. “Together, we can restore our Constitution, revive the middle class, rescue our democracy, end censorship and surveillance, dismantle the war machine, protect children’s health, and make America healthy again.”

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