Home Tech Instagram: My Never-Ending Fantasy World

Instagram: My Never-Ending Fantasy World

Instagram: My Never-Ending Fantasy World


In the past, the online experience lacked the excitement of live theater. Nowadays, everyone plays a role, and the star of the show is Delulu. The phenomenon of delusion has taken over, with trends like climate denial on YouTube and controversies surrounding political figures. Even peaceful protests are twisted in the media. TikTok has embraced Delulu, with billions of views and millions of posts. Personally, I prefer to indulge in delusion through Instagram, where I can escape from reality.

I recently went public on Instagram to promote a documentary I produced, sacrificing the anonymity of my private account for a larger audience. Like many of my generation, I grew up on the internet and crave a new kind of connection. While social media has connected us globally, it has also diluted intimacy. The influencer economy has transformed self-promotion into a business, altering the essence of social media. We have traded genuine connection for attention-seeking and brand deals, shifting our relationship with reality.

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