Home Politics Independents Believe Biden Poses a Greater Threat to Democracy than Trump

Independents Believe Biden Poses a Greater Threat to Democracy than Trump



According to the most recent NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, independent voters are not convinced by the establishment media’s assertion that former President Donald Trump poses a greater threat to democracy than President Joe Biden. The poll revealed that a majority of independent voters actually view Biden as a greater threat to democracy than Trump, with 53 percent holding this belief compared to 42 percent who see Trump as the bigger threat. The poll sampled 1,199 Americans from April 22-24, with a margin of error of 3.6 points.

The surprising results of the poll have left some commentators, such as MSNBC’s Susan Del Percio, puzzled and unable to explain the findings. The poll is just one example of Trump’s increasing popularity among key demographics that previously favored Biden. For instance, Trump’s support among suburban women has surged, with recent polls showing him in a dead heat with Biden in this demographic. Furthermore, Trump has made significant gains among black voters, with polling indicating that a sizable percentage of black men and women plan to vote for Trump in the upcoming election.

In addition, Trump now leads Biden among Hispanics by five points, a significant turnaround from the 2020 election. These shifting demographics underscore the challenges that Biden faces in maintaining his coalition of supporters.

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