Home Politics I would hope this makes people 'ANGRY': Anita Vogel

I would hope this makes people 'ANGRY': Anita Vogel

I would hope this makes people 'ANGRY': Anita Vogel


Co-hosts on ‘The Big Weekend Show’ discuss Gov. Gavin Newsom’s latest attempts to continue to expand benefits for illegal migrants in the state of California.


  1. What's the Plan to Make Haiti Suitable for the Return of the TPS that we have Graciously Sponsored? There needs to be a Push for that, so that the Public knows what that will Look like. And the intended Timeline to Completion.

  2. In case you don't know how to do it put your finger on the little round icon beside people's comment and it will let you into their account and you can see how long they have been a member and you can see they are a troll or bot😮

  3. They don't care. They only care about remaining in power. Their ultimate goal is to get them to vote and who would they vote for. Of course the democrats who are giving them all of this free stuff…. BUT the immediate thing they are trying to do is change the electoral college, that is why they are seeing them to specific locations. Electoral College votes are based on population and those population numbers are gathered from the census… and to be counted in the census doesn't require any ID or verification of citizenship. They are truly evil.

  4. Stop lying they had a border deal and Donald Trump killed it they had a bipartisan deal and stop lying illegal immigrant do not get benefits stop lying to the peoples tell do Republicans to sign the border deal that was agreed upon and Donald Trump told them not to pass it is that looking out for the Border Crossing and all you all do is spread hate and lies

  5. Hope is a powerful emotion. I wouldn’t throw it around so flippantly. Appears to me that Fox is trying to appeal to our better angels. The winds are changing are here. The republicans who are half MAGA better loose the attitude. It’s going to cost them their cushy non hard working self important jobs and to have to work like the rest of Americans. The people are tired of it.

  6. When are Americans going to stand up and say enough is enough we are tired of our money going to crooked politicians and just handing out money to ppl who should not be here in the first place while Americans are in debt we have collectors hounding us for payments or garnish our wages it's time for Americans stand up we can't trust no one even with voting Americans need to go on strike and I'm sick and tired are you

  7. I'm sure Fox is misreporting this. What they should be covering is how Trump continues to lie about almost everything considering immigrants, which is why he never produces one single iota of evidence. From his insane claim that they're eating the dogs and cats to immigrant crime is up, they are getting ALL the new jobs, to foreign countries are emptying prisons AND insane asylums. OK, just one report proving these claims Trump – just one. Not gonna happen. But his supporters continue to lap it up, TDS indeed: Trump Dummies Syndrome.

  8. Have you read the story of the Trojan Horse? This seems to me the same effect with the invaders hiding in plain sight. They are being aided by who is in charge, this is the attack on Americas laws Democracy if you will. This will and is turning bad for Americans we are heading for a crash. This administration has launched a war on freedom and Democracy!

  9. It seems that the problem of the high numbers of illegal immigrants in your country is on the way to get solved. This is good news indeed. The only problem are Trump who prevented the bipartisan border bill in January and Vance who utters weird false claims about cats and dogs to incite hate.

    I always thought that politicians are there to solve problems and not to aggravate them. Apparently, MAGA Republicans like Trump only see their own interest and seed chaos and division in order to win the election instead of helping to solve the problems. This is shameful. Greetings from Germany

  10. I am from California and as a citizen have to put up with this nonsense. I remember the days when we had a great governor. Ronald Reagan. We even had a balanced budget!!! Of all things!!! Or for the good old days! I canot wait for Donald Trump 🎉😁

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