Home Politics Harris’s War on Conservative Christians: A Preview of Her Presidency

Harris’s War on Conservative Christians: A Preview of Her Presidency

Harris’s War on Conservative Christians: A Preview of Her Presidency


As Vice President Kamala Harris seeks the presidency, her background as a former prosecutor raises concerns about how she would wield the power of federal law enforcement. A Harris administration would likely utilize the Justice Department and other agencies to further the Left’s cultural agenda, stifling free speech, harassing faith-based organizations, and promoting abortion.

Harris’s track record and rhetoric suggest that Christian groups would be prime targets. As California’s attorney general, she pursued pro-life activist David Daleiden, who exposed Planned Parenthood’s practices, rather than investigating the organization itself. The charges against Daleiden were ultimately dismissed, but the move revealed Harris’s willingness to use her authority to silence critics.

The Biden-Harris Justice Department has already demonstrated its willingness to target pro-life advocates, creating a task force to prosecute them. The department’s first high-profile case, against father Mark Houck, was dismissed due to its absurdity. However, the move sent a clear message: law enforcement would be used to intimidate and harass those who oppose the administration’s views.

Harris has also made it clear that she will go after conservative Christian groups, labeling the Knights of Columbus, a charitable organization, as extremist. Such groups can expect to face harassment, if not indictment, under a Harris administration.

The criteria for indictment would likely be based on opposition to the administration’s views on abortion, gender, and other social issues. Crisis pregnancy centers, religious schools, and even orders of nuns could face prosecution for alleged civil rights violations. The Justice Department would likely use its discretion to target these groups, employing tactics such as venue shopping and jury manipulation to secure convictions.

Harris and her allies would claim that they are only targeting extremists, not faith-based organizations per se. However, the Biden administration’s history of labeling opponents as terrorists and the media’s branding of certain groups as “Christian nationalists” suggest that this is not the case.

It is essential for people across the political spectrum to reject this kind of lawfare and the politicization of the Justice Department. The first step would be to reject Harris’s presidential bid and the authoritarian tendencies it represents.

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