Home Videos GOP Senator: America is Spread Too Thin, Choice Must Be Made

GOP Senator: America is Spread Too Thin, Choice Must Be Made



Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, discusses Ukraine aid, the Biden administration’s handling of the Hamas hostages, anti-Israel protests on college campuses and his support for Trump.


  1. Biden and his Administration are a mess. From the economy domestic Energy and Green fiasco to foreign policy. All you that voted for Biden in 2020 need to do a self check and accept the mistake. And don't stop there, start at the local level and vote out these liberal progressives. Go all the way to the national level. Biden enables this progressive liberal crap.

  2. War is for enriching military complexes and government employees.
    It kills the poor and innocent civilians.
    Look at what the invasion brought on by Biden is doing to innocent babies in America.

  3. Trump "We will demolish the deep state. We’ll expel those horrible warmongers from our government."
    The Israel Lobby is the deep state. They control us. They are the warmongers.

  4. He would be a good vp pick. Young, dashing, smart, loyal, and Maga. Loyalty is the most important quality. Trump has to pick somebody that has his back all the way. He has to pick him now. Trump can't wait until the convention. He needs somebody campaigning now since Trump is tied up in all these bogus court cases.

  5. Please I'm begging anybody to dispute what I'm saying. How does anybody still vote for Republathugs based on the track record. The last Repub President who left the country better off than it was when he took office was Dwight Eisenhower. I know people have short term memory loss but try to think back just a few years ago to the year 2020. More than a MILLION Americans died on Trump's watch. More Americans than in all the wars we have ever fought. The economy had cratered, the stock market crashed, and unemployment soared. Supply chains broke and on top of the upside down tariffs Trump imposed on everything he ignited the inflation we have all had to live with. So again go through every Repug President in the last 60 years, all of them left the country broken. If you have the guts to respond I'll go through them one by one. Pick one. Now there is one thing that Trump said I do agree with. In an interview with People Mag back in 98 he was asked if he would run for President. He said and I quote "if I did I would run as a Republican. They are the dumbest voters in the country. They believe everything they hear on Fox News. I could lie about anything and they would eat it up. I bet my numbers would be great" We'll looks like he got that right.

  6. Shannon says Trump's behavior is bad? What do you call Biden's screaming and throwing temper tantrums so bad that his staff doesn't want to be alone with him? Or what about his unwelcome touching and sniffing women and LITTLE GIRLS?! But maybe Shannon thinks that behavior is ok!

  7. the only thing that is clear in Trump's program is to cut taxes for the rich, then he only talks about himself and how many billions… he has (maybe it's a few tens of millions..) as he has been doing for 78 years !!

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