Home Politics Expert says Biden has inadvertently brought Xi Jinping and Putin closer

Expert says Biden has inadvertently brought Xi Jinping and Putin closer



Heritage Foundation senior fellow for China strategy Michael Pillsbury discusses Biden placing new tariffs on China and a ‘new era’ in partnership announced by Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin.


  1. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." ""If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, then the general is to blame." That says it all. This administration has destroyed everything in just 3.5 years. If Biden wins another term we will be in WWIII.

  2. Trump is too scared to debate with Biden. Trump said he will debate with Joe Biden anywhere, anytime, anyplace.

    So, Biden chose the place, and time, for two debates, for not just one but two debates, and now the coward Trump is trying to slide out of them, by coming up with his own time and place, which have not been agreed to.

    This is clearly just a scheme to enable Trump to get out of debating with Biden.

    That's the Easy Part! It's Possible to Make them So Small you could hold it in One Hand.
    I Wonder When the Chinese are Going to Figure That Out. Joe Biden Probably Already Sold China the Designs for Those.
    I Imagine Things Are Going to Have to Get a Lot Worse before they Ever Get Better.
    There's No War at Armageddon Yet so It ain't Over.

  4. Ever since the time of Stalin Russia has always viewed the Chinese as best second class people. Now the tide has turned and China is looking for payback ! China's goal is to weaken Russia and get back territories that it lost to Russia in WW11. Putin is playing a dangerous game here with Xi.

  5. This was happening before Biden. Back before Putin invaded Ukraine, China stocked up on grain. There were news stories about it. How did china know there would be a grain shortage?

  6. China is friednly with Iran,Sauudi Arabia,North Korea and now Russia . Apparently, the US is only interested in making unnncessary war s with everyone and aiding and abetting genocides in other pats of the world. May be hte US should practice real diplomacy instead of making weapons and selling them . Because the world is now in a real bad situation because of the rogue US policies.

  7. Brandon put nail in coffin. In 1992, the two countries declared that they were pursuing a "constructive partnership"; in 1996, they progressed toward a "strategic partnership"; and in 2001, they signed a treaty of "friendship and cooperation.

  8. Two dictators find each other. Congratulations. As long as democracies stay armed to the teeth, it will be ok. What are they going to do for each other? One will be screwing the other ..

  9. "CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD,  I beg you to never force me to worship any false god and I ask you for forgiveness for my sins and immorality. Thank you for everything. Amen."

    Please pray this now, pray the words as you read them if you cannot look and remember them 🙏☺

    Please worship the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, THE LORD GOD and try not to worry too much about the differences between the different religions and denominations, try to think about the similarities and the things they may have in common more than the differences. Daily prayer is a fundamental part that many people do not practice although it is encouraged 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  10. About a year before Russia moved on Ukraine the US(nato) vehemently refused to attend meetings with TOP CUT World players. Canada was among those. It involved adult control of themselves in the very near future. NATO-US vehememtly, tersly sees that no requested meeting ever takes place. They instead focus THEIR attention on island hopper propoganda against wellfare of all CONTINANTS.

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