Home Tech Beyond Thin Screens: Navigating the Tensions Between Technology and Tradition

Beyond Thin Screens: Navigating the Tensions Between Technology and Tradition

Beyond Thin Screens: Navigating the Tensions Between Technology and Tradition


I recently found myself in the basement of my parents’ house, sifting through old yearbooks and photo albums. My brother urged me to search for the old stereo with the turntable and vinyl records. In a time of modern advancements, there seems to be a longing for things that have been left behind, as highlighted in Apple’s new iPad ad.

Apple received backlash for its commercial boasting about the destruction of humanity, prompting a quick apology from the company. The ad, which focused on the thinness of the new iPad, struck a nerve for those who remembered the traditional icons that were replaced during its production. This incident served as a reminder of the disconnect between technocratic elites and the everyday experiences of people.

British actor Hugh Grant criticized the ad, highlighting the destruction of human experience caused by Silicon Valley. Many of us yearn for a time when we had more tangible connections to the physical world, engaging in activities like reading physical books, baking from scratch, and enjoying outdoor activities.

While technology has made life more convenient, it has not changed the essential needs of human nature, including the need for physical connections and interactions. Disconnecting from the physical world can lead to fragmentation and a loss of truth at a fundamental level, making individuals susceptible to groupthink and misinformation.

To counteract this trend, it is essential to maintain a connection to the physical world and express discontent with the direction of society. By aligning everyday choices with beliefs and resisting the pressure to conform, individuals can contribute to a movement of passive resistance against oppressive forces.

As I reflected on these issues while exploring memories in my parents’ basement, I realized the value of preserving traditions and resisting societal pressures to conform to a vision of progress that may not align with the true essence of humanity. It is through small acts of defiance and a commitment to living authentically that we can resist forces that seek to shape the world in their image, rather than embracing the true beauty of creation.

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