Home Politics Chant Unites Pro-Palestinian and Counter-Protesters Against Joe Biden

Chant Unites Pro-Palestinian and Counter-Protesters Against Joe Biden

Chant Unites Pro-Palestinian and Counter-Protesters Against Joe Biden


At the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, both pro-Palestinian protesters and counter-protesters joined forces to express their dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden. Video footage captured the groups chanting “F*ck Joe Biden.”

Biden’s approval rating currently stands at 39.5 percent, with a disapproval rating of 56.1 percent. Amid Israel’s defensive operation in Gaza, Biden’s administration has been losing support among Arab Americans. This comes after the passage of a $95 billion foreign aid package, with a significant portion allocated to Ukraine and Israel.

To address anti-Israel protests, the University of Alabama established rules allowing free speech, expression, and sign-holding while prohibiting firearms, overnight camping, sound amplification, and threatening behavior. Protesters demanded the university sever ties with Lockheed Martin, cease Department of Defense-funded research, advocate for a Gaza ceasefire, and rename Hewson Hall.

Similar protests have emerged at various campuses nationwide, like Harvard University and Columbia University, where initial encampments led to suspensions and arrests. Protesters across these campuses seek divestment from Israeli companies, academic disengagement from Israeli institutions, amnesty for arrested protesters, a Gaza ceasefire, and a halt to US military aid to Israel.

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