Home Videos Anti-Israel protesters at UPenn arrested by police

Anti-Israel protesters at UPenn arrested by police



Anti-Israel protests continue on college campuses, now spread to University of Pennsylvania.


  1. I would like to be working right now but the illegal immigrants at the hotel down the st stole my tools and the police said they can’t search every room!!! I guess I’ll just watch this crap and wait for my free hand out.

  2. During the riots (sorry, “peaceful protests” as always described by Western politicians and media) in Hong Kong 2019 – 20, students took over the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The rioters (sorry, “peacefully protesters” as always described by Western politicians and media) used petrol bombs against the police at both places, and bows and arrows at PolyU. At the CUHK they threw rocks and metal onto the nearby railway line and onto the Tolo Highway. At the PolyU they tried to block the Cross Harbor Tunnel. They also threw rocks at ordinary citizens trying to clear the barricades the rioters (sorry, “peacefully protesters” as always described by Western politicians and media) had built between Austin Road and Chatham Road. The Hong Kong Baptist University, the City University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong were also occupied by the rioters (sorry, “peaceful protesters” as always described by Western politicians and media). Politicians from the US and UK expressed support for the rioters (sorry, “peaceful protesters” as always described by Western politicians and media). Nancy Pelosi called the overall violence and mayhem a “beautiful sight”, and Ted Cruz travelled to Hong Kong to offer his support. Various other politicians from the US & UK sought to instruct the government of Hong Kong as to how it should deal with the violence (sorry, “peaceful protests” as always described by Western politicians and media). It is highly amusing to see these protests at campuses in the US being described as if the whole of academia in the country was now on the verge of irreparable collapse. It is also interesting to see how the US police behave considering how the Global West castigated the police in Hong Kong during the riots (sorry, “peaceful protests as always described by Western politicians and media).

    Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch castigated the Hong Kong Police, one has not seen them making any statements about the violence by US police.

  3. The university has a responsibility to protect all students . But the university also has a responsibility to protect the school, from all liabilties . So whether it be civil liberty suits resulting from hate speech, theats of violence or physical violence . They have be pro active to protect against loss of financial funding , and loss of alumni support . Even property damages . So no the 1st amendment rights of protesters don't supercede the rights of the institution to protect itself against potential liabilities.

  4. With hes huge, HUGE, endowments held by thes universities, has anyone thought of billing back to the schools the cost of police control? Think of it! Joe, the janitor at the school, will see his taxes raised to compensate for the cost of sending police to the school. The school could have prevented it all by saying, there are parameters to protest. Cross the line and you will be expelled.

  5. I explain what "from the river to the sea" means to me. Palestine is like a farmers lot in real estate. They have Palestine on the river and Gaza on the sea, separated by another country. "From the river to the sea" rolls off the tongue better than "from the river through another country to the sea."

  6. "CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD,  I beg you to never force me to worship any false god and I ask you for forgiveness for my sins and immorality. Thank you for everything. Amen."

    Please pray this now, pray the words as you read them if you cannot look and remember them
    Please worship the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, THE LORD GOD and try not to worry too much about the differences between the different religions and denominations, try to think about the similarities and the things they may have in common more than the differences. Daily prayer is a fundamental part that many people do not practice although it is encouraged

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