Home Politics “You can’t pretend this sham isn’t real,” says Eric Trump

“You can’t pretend this sham isn’t real,” says Eric Trump



Trump Organization Executive Vice President Eric Trump reacted to Michael Cohen’s testimony in New York v. Trump on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’


  1. It's UNFAIR to put Trump through many trials just because he is younger/sharper, but zero trial for Biden just because he is too old/senile to stand ONE.🍎🍎🍎🍎

  2. Ask, and it shall be given you; Seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
    – Matthew 7:7-8 KJV

  3. It's almost as if it's just now occurring to the trump cultists that Trump has no chance in a national election. He did too much to alienate Haley voters. Even choosing feckless Rubio as his running mate won't help at this point.

  4. Focus ‼️ Per WH: Biden is "Delivering An Infrastructure Decade."
    "The Biden Administration is taking the leap to point to the more than 4500 communities across all 50 states that are benefiting from the bipartisan infrastructure bill." – Nicole Wallace MSNBC

  5. Since 1993 Queen Hillary Clinton except in 2016-19 Has had the DNC ,US Government & MSM on the end of a leash.

    No wonder She hates Trump. So much :O

    NAmerica's problems? Resemble a woman scorned more than an ambitious man.

    She's an "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS" sort of Queen

  6. If you look at all the congressional candidates that trump endorsed, who then lost badly, it's pretty obvious that he only draws the most extreme cultists now. MAGA is on its last diabetes infested leg.

  7. You know the difference between coverage of this trial on MSNBC and FOX News?

    MSNBC shows you actual evidence presented in the case and has legal experts, former federal prosecutors, retired judges, defense attorneys and the like.

    They explain to you what the evidence is and how it applies to the case.

    Of course MSNBC is slanted against Trump, but they show actual evidence that was presented at trial and talk about it.

    FOX News, by contrast, merely gives the opinions that this is all a witch hunt and illegal.

    Take a clue: If the proceedings were illegal, they wouldn't be allowed to go forward.

    FOX give you their opinion that this is wrong. MSNBC tells you what is going on in the court.

    By the way, one of these networks paid out over three quarters of a billion dollars to settle a case rather than go to court and pay a lot more. That case was based on lies they knowingly told their viewers.

    I rest my case.

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