Home Politics White House adviser reacts to Xi Jinping and Putin hug

White House adviser reacts to Xi Jinping and Putin hug



The White House national security communications adviser, John Kirby, reacted to the hug shared between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Kirby offered a subdued response, stating that it was not surprising to him that the two leaders were close and remarked, “That’s nice for them.”

Kirby pointed out that both leaders share a desire to challenge the international rules-based order and the alliances that the United States relies on for security. This display of affection occurred after President Joe Biden made remarks comparing Russia and China, suggesting that they were struggling economically due to xenophobia and a lack of openness to immigrants.

Russia is currently entrenched in a two-year invasion of Ukraine, resulting in significant casualties. Putin remains optimistic about the conflict, believing that victory is possible if the United States stops interfering. Meanwhile, China has escalated its aggression towards Hong Kong and has ambitions for Taiwan to reunite with mainland China.

Overall, Kirby’s response to the Xi-Putin hug reflects the complex dynamics at play between the United States, Russia, and China in the current geopolitical landscape.

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