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WATCH: Biden’s Image Takes Hit as He’s Seen Ignoring Young Black Girl at Rally

WATCH: Biden’s Image Takes Hit as He’s Seen Ignoring Young Black Girl at Rally


A recent incident at a rally has sparked criticism of President Joe Biden, as he was seen ignoring a young black girl and instead embracing a white woman. This has added to the growing concerns about Biden’s dwindling support among the black community.

Despite being a strong advocate for civil rights, Biden has faced criticism for his lack of connection with the black community. According to a recent New York Times/Siena poll, the 81-year-old president has lost significant ground among black voters.

The poll reveals that Trump is now winning over 20 percent of black voters, a figure that has not been seen since the Civil Rights Act was enacted in 1964. In comparison, the Pew Research Center reported that 92 percent of black voters supported Biden in the 2020 presidential election, with only eight percent backing Trump.

The significant shift in support for Trump among black voters is a concerning development for Biden, who has relied heavily on the black community for his political support. As the president continues to face criticism for his perceived lack of connection with the black community, he will need to find a way to win back the trust and support of this critical demographic.

Now, let’s take a look at how former President Donald Trump treats the black community.

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