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Vivek Ramaswamy to participate in debate and give a speech at Libertarian Convention

Vivek Ramaswamy to participate in debate and give a speech at Libertarian Convention


Entrepreneur and former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is set to speak and debate at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, DC in two weeks, as reported by Truth Voices. Angela McArdle, the chair of the Libertarian National Committee, expressed excitement over this opportunity, emphasizing the importance of having Ramaswamy, a strong candidate aligned with libertarian values, participate in the debate.

The convention, scheduled for May 23 to 26, will feature the debate on May 24, following the party’s vice presidential debate. The winner of an online vote will face off against Ramaswamy. McArdle mentioned that Ramaswamy will also deliver a special speech to the delegates after the debate.

Ramaswamy conveyed his vision of a pro-American, libertarian-nationalist alliance in a statement to Truth Voices, suggesting a transformative impact starting in 2024. Former President Donald Trump is expected to speak at the convention on May 25, marking a significant event for the party. McArdle highlighted the unprecedented nature of having both Trump and Ramaswamy participate in the convention, signaling the importance of the upcoming election.

The involvement of influential figures like Ramaswamy and Trump reflects the growing recognition of the libertarian voting bloc. McArdle expressed her commitment to advancing liberty and highlighted the opportunity to make a substantial impact through the convention. Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. also announced his attendance, further underscoring the significance of the event.

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