Home Politics Vice President Kamala Harris’s Abortion Extremism Exposed

Vice President Kamala Harris’s Abortion Extremism Exposed

Vice President Kamala Harris’s Abortion Extremism Exposed


Despite her efforts to veil her radical stance on abortion, Vice President Kamala Harris’s true intentions have been revealed through her actions and rhetoric. Harris has consistently prioritized abortion within the Biden administration, using her platform to push for unrestricted access to the procedure.

Harris’s connection to the abortion industry is well-documented. She has visited Planned Parenthood facilities and has spoken out in support of the organization’s mission. Furthermore, she has publicly commended the persecution of pro-life pregnancy centers and lamented pro-life laws in Republican-led states from the White House.

In a CBS interview with Margaret Brennan in September 2023, Harris dodged questions about her stance on abortion limits, claiming she sought to “restore the protections of Roe v. Wade.” When pressed to specify which week of pregnancy she believed should serve as the cutoff for abortions, Harris refused to provide a concrete answer.

This evasion is all the more concerning given her support for legislation like the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would effectively codify abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Harris’s record on abortion is far from ambiguous, as she has publicly expressed support for late-term abortions, so long as a doctor claims they pose a risk to the mother’s life or health.

Harris’s anti-life agenda is not limited to her time as Vice President. During her tenure as California attorney general, she targeted a pro-life journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s illegal activities. She also celebrated and enforced the FACT Act, which, before the Supreme Court intervened in 2018, required crisis pregnancy centers to inform clients about abortion services.

As a senator, Harris co-sponsored the Women’s Health Protection Act and voted against protections for babies born alive after botched abortions. She also introduced the Do No Harm Act, which aimed to punish doctors and organizations with religious objections to abortions and gender reassignment surgeries.

Harris’s presidential campaign platform included proposals to undermine Republican-led states’ efforts to enact pro-life protections, repeal the Hyde Amendment, and silence critics of abortion. Her record of anti-Catholic bigotry is equally concerning, as she has repeatedly attacked individuals with religious beliefs that diverge from her own.

Biden’s attempts to hide his abortion agenda behind his Catholic faith are well-known, but Harris’s extremism is impossible to hide. Her long history of radical support for abortion and anti-Catholic sentiment has damaged her political aspirations, which remain plagued by her radical ideology.

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