Home U.S. Unlikely Hero: 66-Year-Old Homeowner Defeats Would-Be Thief, Sparks Laughter with Sheriff’s Statement

Unlikely Hero: 66-Year-Old Homeowner Defeats Would-Be Thief, Sparks Laughter with Sheriff’s Statement



A dramatic altercation unfolded in Brevard County, Florida, when a 66-year-old resident caught a 29-year-old suspect, Blake Robinson, attempting to break into his car. The incident occurred early Thursday morning, according to FOX News.

The homeowner, who had initially called 911, returned outside to confront Robinson, who was still attempting to gain access to the vehicle. A physical altercation ensued, with the 66-year-old citizen defending himself against Robinson’s attacks.

In a statement on Facebook, Sheriff William Ivey described the events: “A citizen called 911 to report a noise outside his residence and went to check what it was. Once outside, he was met by Blake Robinson, who was attempting to gain access to a car that was not his. The victim went to locate his phone to call law enforcement and, when he came back outside to confront Robinson, he was attacked and hit in the head before being thrown to the ground. Despite being kicked in the head, the homeowner managed to defend himself, striking Robinson and causing him to fall back. Deputies arrived on the scene and quickly detained Robinson, who was struggling to get up from the ground.”

Sheriff Ivey noted that Robinson, who was charged with burglary and battery on a person over 65, “got his butt whipped by a 66-year-old man.”

The suspect was taken to a hospital to receive treatment for his injuries before being booked into custody. He was charged with “burglary of an unoccupied conveyance, and battery on a person over the age of 65.”

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