Home Politics Trump’s conviction is not ‘legally valid,’ Missouri AG argues

Trump’s conviction is not ‘legally valid,’ Missouri AG argues



Federal Election Commissioner Trey Trainor and Missouri AG Andrew Bailey join ‘Fox & Friends First’ before the House Judiciary hearing, where both are slated to testify.


  1. Matthew Colangelo is just as much a pile of garbage as Bragg is. They both need to be investigated by Congress and grilled with questions. If they refuse hold them in contempt and charge them. Time for Republicans to step up.

  2. Just to remind everyone here of these facts…. When the Trump lawyer first filed a recusal request months ago, judge Merchan didn't just say "No". He even took the extra steps to actually go before the Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics review board and ask them of their opinion. They examined all the facts, and they all said there was no conflict or reason for recusal.

    Then later, when an individual did file another complaint with the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, it was reviewed again. And again, this completed separate review board unanimously agreed that Merchan has violated nothing and has no conflict of interest.

  3. It makes no difference to Bragg if the verdict gets overturned because they got the guilty verdict. That's what was important. Now, they can always say Trump is a convicted felons.

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