Home Politics Trump Returns to X with a Flurry of Campaign Ads and Messages

Trump Returns to X with a Flurry of Campaign Ads and Messages

Trump Returns to X with a Flurry of Campaign Ads and Messages


Former President Donald Trump has re-emerged on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, with a flurry of campaign ads and messages as he gears up for his 2024 White House bid.

Trump’s return to X comes after a brief hiatus, with his last post dating back to August of last year when he shared a photo of his mugshot.

On Monday, he shared a lengthy campaign ad that highlighted his achievements during his presidency from 2016 to 2020.

The ad took aim at the FBI’s raid on his Mar-a-Lago home, with Trump asserting that he was being targeted for “fearlessly defend[ing] our nation from those who seek to destroy it.” He framed the raid as an attempt to silence him and undermine his commitment to protecting American freedom.

In a passionate appeal to his supporters, Trump declared, “The more they tell you you’re wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead. They want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom.” He positioned himself as a champion of the people, standing in the way of a “broken system” that seeks to erode individual liberties.

Trump concluded the ad with a message of optimism, predicting that America will regain its greatness after the November elections. In a follow-up post, he posed a rhetorical question to his followers, asking if they were better off now than they were during his presidency.

Trump’s answer was unequivocal, asserting that the country’s economy is “shattered,” its border has been compromised, and the nation is in decline. He vowed to restore the American Dream, make the country safe again, and revive its former greatness.

In a series of subsequent ads, Trump outlined his vision for a renewed America. One ad promised to “demolish the deep state” and expel “war mongers” from government, while another attacked Vice President Kamala Harris’s record on immigration and law enforcement.

A final ad, titled “Trump was right about everything,” featured the former president lamenting the disproportionate benefits enjoyed by a small elite in Washington, while ordinary Americans bear the costs of government.

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