Home Politics Trump criticizes radical leftist individuals causing disruption on college campuses

Trump criticizes radical leftist individuals causing disruption on college campuses




  1. Soon the inmates and guards will hear this echoing through the concrete walkways…..

    Some glad morning when this life is over, I'll fly away
    To a home on the hot shores, I'll fly away
    Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away
    To the land where the heat never ends, I'll fly away
    When the orange makeup from my face is gone, I'll fly away like a bird from these prison bars, I'll fly away.

  2. University of Iran is offering these protesters scholarship to study there.Will they consider taking up this most generous offer coming from one of the major world power supporting Palestinians ? Don't forget to take their LGBT flag with them to Iran if they decided to do so.

  3. Why is Israel so much more important than Americans to America? So much so though we must sell our soul to defend their atrocities? I never agreed to that deal.

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