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Trump and Biden Tied in Popular Vote Poll, Biden’s Support Erodes Among Democrats

Trump and Biden Tied in Popular Vote Poll, Biden’s Support Erodes Among Democrats


According to a Washington Post/ABC News/Ipsos poll released on Thursday, former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden are neck and neck in the nation’s popular vote. Both Trump and Biden received 46 percent support from registered voters, making them essentially tied.

In the poll, voters were asked if the 2024 presidential election were held today, who they would vote for or lean towards. The results show no significant change from an ABC News/Ipsos poll conducted in April, where Trump and Biden were separated by only two percent points. However, a majority of Democratic respondents want Biden to step down as the presumptive nominee following a string of debate performances that were seen as unimpressive.

In particular, two-thirds of Americans, or 67 percent, believe Biden should step down as his party’s presumptive nominee. This includes a majority of his own supporters.

Notably, Congressional Democrats are among those calling on Biden to withdraw from the race. Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL) made this argument on Thursday, stating that instead of praying for a successful defense of the party’s democracy, he believed they should enthusiastically embrace a vibrant vision for the nation’s future.

The poll, which surveyed 2,431 U.S. adults from July 5 to July 9, 2024, has a margin of error of ± two percent.

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